• 502-633-1243

  • 1020 Henry Clay Street, Shelbyville, KY 40065

2023-24 COVID-19 Vaccine appoints are available at the North Central District Health Department. Make yours now!

North Central District has updated COVID-19 vaccine available

Appointments begin Sept. 29, extended hours vaccine event is 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Oct. 20 at Henry, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble county health departments

Respiratory season is underway, and state and national officials have said they expect to see increases in flu, RSV and COVID-19 cases as we move into the fall and winter months.

To help the community combat this triple threat, the North Central District Health Department will have all the updated vaccines available at the Henry, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble county health departments.

The 2023-24 COVID vaccine is designed to target the XBB variants, which have become dominant, and is available for everyone ages 6 months and older.

Updated COVID-19 vaccines are available to most adults at no cost through private health insurance, Medicaid and Medicare. To help serve those that are uninsured or underinsured, the North Central District Health Department is part of the CDC’s Bridge Access Program, which, in working with the Adult Vaccine Program, provides free vaccines for qualifying adults ages 19 and older.

The North Central District Health Department follows CDC and Kentucky Department of Public Health guidelines, which recommend COVID-19 vaccines for everyone eligible.

“With the recent increase in cases and the expected surge this winter, now is the time to get your shot,” said Roanya Rice, NCDHD director. “The vaccine can help prevent getting COVID and prevent severe illness and death.”

The North Central District Health Department should have its vaccine available on Sept. 29, and the Henry, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble county health departments are accepting appointments now for dates and times starting Sept. 29.

The North Central District also will have an extended hours event for updated COVID vaccines from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 20, at the Henry, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble county health departments. Call your local health department to make an appointment today.

  • Henry County Health Department – 502-845-2882
         75 Park Road, New Castle
  • Shelby County Health Department – 502-633-1231
         615 11th Street, Shelbyville
  • Spencer County Health Department – 502-477-8146
         88 Spears Drive, Taylorsville
  • Trimble County Health Department – 502-255-7701
         138 Miller Lane, Bedford

Officials have also noted that it is safe to get your flu, COVID and, if needed, RSV shots at the same time.

“You can schedule all three shots on the same day, that’s no problem,” Rice said. “But if you want to separate the vaccines, you can make multiple appointments.”

Flu shots are available now at all NCDHD locations, including the high dose vaccine for those 65 and older.

RSV vaccines are only recommended for infants and adults ages 60-and-older. Adults should talk to their healthcare provider to see if they recommend an RSV vaccine.

Help us slow the spread of respiratory diseases this season by getting your COVID-19 and flu vaccines, call for your appointment today.

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