• 502-633-1243

  • 1020 Henry Clay Street, Shelbyville, KY 40065

The North Central District Health Department delivers items to Spencer County Public Schools.

NCDHD secures more than $150,000 in preparedness supplies for schools

The North Central District Health Department has collected more than $150,000 in supplies to help the five public school districts in our area be better prepared in cases of emergency.

Included in those supplies, the NCDHD was able to use more than $14,000 in COVID-19 funding to purchase 15 AEDs (Automated External Defibrillator) for our public school districts throughout Henry, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble counties.

The remaining $121,000 in funding was supplied through the Work Force Development School Health Program grant provided by the Kentucky Department of Public Health (KDPH).

 “It is an honor for NCDHD to work with the school districts to help them be better prepared for emergency situations,” said Roanya Rice, NCDHD director. “Preparedness is a big part of the health department’s mission. By working with the school districts to identify their needs, we can help them provide a safe environment for students to learn by ensuring they are prepared for almost any situation.”

The NCDHD worked directly with each school district to identify its needs and in turn has provided a variety of different items.

Based on their individual needs, each school district will receive:

  • Trimble County Public Schools – 3 Stop the Bleed kits, 18 Trauma kits, Latex Gloves, 20 Adult CPR manakins, 8 Child CPR manakins, 4 Stop the Bleed Trainers, 1 Evacuation Chair, 1 AED trainer, 2 AED cabinets, 1 Toolbox, 4 AEDs.

The North Central District delivered items to Spencer and Trimble county schools on Monday, July 31, and will finish deliveries this week with:

  • Shelby County Public Schools at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 2.
  • Henry County Public Schools at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Aug. 3.
  • Eminence Independent Schools at 1 p.m. on Thursday, Aug. 3.

The North Central District is always looking for partners in its four-county area.

“Collaboration is one of the key organizational values at the North Central District,” Rice said. “Our vision is to provide optimal health for communities of the North Central District, and we can’t do that without working with our valuable partners throughout our four counties.”

The North Central District Health Department provides community health for Henry, Shelby, Spencer and Trimble counties and has local health departments in each county.

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