• 502-633-1243

  • 1020 Henry Clay Street, Shelbyville, KY 40065

North Central District Health Department offers a large variety of clinical services to the community that it serves. 

Communicable Disease

Preventing and controlling the spread of disease is an important concern to the North Central District Health Department. From various forms of Influenza to outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as Hepatitis A – these events can have a huge impact on health.

Vaccinations have helped eliminate or greatly reduce disease threats. Children and adults should stay up to date with their recommended immunizations. Proper hand washing, especially before and after handling food and using the bathroom, also helps to prevent the spread of communicable diseases. Other important methods of prevention include: ensuring food we eat and water we drink is safe, avoiding sick people and practicing safe sex.

  • Vaccines
  • TB Testing
  • STI Testing
  • Contact Tracing

Pertussis cases increasing

The Kentucky Department of Public Health has identified an increase in pertussis (or whooping cough) cases in the commonwealth. Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory illness that is especially serious in infants. Early symptoms include:
* Runny or stuffy nose.
* Mild cough.
* Apnea/stop breathing in infants.
* No or low-grade fever.
Late stage symptoms (2 weeks or later) include:
* Persistent, or fits of, coughing sometimes followed by a whooping sound.
* Vomit during/after coughing fits.
* Fatigue and other respiratory issues.
If you believe you have been in contact with someone with pertussis and have symptoms, seek testing.
It is recommended that all pregnant women receive a vaccination, and that all infants 2 months and older begin the vaccination schedule as soon as possible. The vaccine is known to reduce disease severity. Contact your local NCDHD health department today to schedule your routine vaccines, including Tdap for adults and DTaP for children. 
To learn more about pertussis and vaccines, see the informational sheet below.

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Well-Child Care

Your child’s health and safety are your biggest concerns. The North Central District Health Department provides several resources, services and programs to make sure they start out on a path to wellness. We are an official VFC (Vaccines for Children) Provider.

  • Physical Exams (Under Age 21)
  • Vaccines for Disease Prevention (0-18 Yrs)
  • TB Testing & Treatment
  • COVID & Flu Vaccination

Nutritional Services

The North Central District Health Department regularly offers nutritional classes. These classes are designed to educate, encourage and equip those who are ready to make proper nutrition a priority in their life. We will engage with guest speakers, health education, open discussions, support and more. Learn how to be healthier as an individual, as a family and and as a community. Health is contagious!

Sexual & Reproductive Health

Sexually Transmitted Infections are transmitted through sexual contact passed from one person to another during vaginal, anal, and oral sex. The infections are caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. North Central District Health Department is dedicated to the prevention of contraction & spread of sexually transmitted disease. We serve the community by providing everything from free condoms to STI testing.

STI Testing Services

  • Chlamydia
  • Hepatitis C
  • Syphilis
  • Herpes
  • Gonorrhea
  • HIV
  • Trichomoniasis